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About Us

Dave and Sue Lundecoupleshotcrossedarms.png

We were married in November of 1981 during our Senior year of high school, had our first child over Christmas break, went to prom as husband and wife, and our son was in the audience as we walked in our High School graduation ceremonies.

​We had our three children close together having them all by the time we were 22. This was a lot for a young couple to manage as each of us worked full time on opposite shifts while going to college and trying to make ends meet. As a result of the situation, we were separated twice in our first five years together as we tried and struggled to do things our way.

​Finally, God, close friends and our parents intervened and started leading us to a better way. This influence guided us to work more on our marriage and spending time together. We started with date nights which led to more activities together.

​Now we have been Tandem riding enthusiasts for many years enjoying the closeness, teamwork and adventure of riding together. Riding together has been one of the greatest tools to bring us closer and appreciate how we prioritize our time and each other.

​Our interest in working with couples has been developed through years while attending and eventually teaching marriage related classes. We desire to share our life experiences to help other couples grow stronger, live with hope, and trust in God to lead them. We feel our marriage is "God's marriage," so we shouldn't hide it or keep it to ourselves.

​We should share what we have learned so other's may not have to go through what we did.




Dave Lunde


I am a coach by nature. In most situations you will see me leading a group of people somewhere. ​I started teaching in a University setting, but the limited level of engagement allowed with the students was frustrating. ​So I left the University and began teaching in our church; starting in Men's ministry, eventually going on to teaching couples. ​"It's better to have both willing spouses together to make real progress with them!"




 Sue Lunde


I am a care giver. I usually find myself working behind the scenes to ensure everyone gets what they need and is not left out. Nearly every time Dave and I met together to write this material I had one thought in my mind; "If we can help even one couple learn from our past, it was worth everything we went through."

I am a care giver. I usually find myself working behind the scenes to ensure everyone get's what they need and is not left out.
Nearly every time Dave and I met together to write this material I had one thought in my mind; 
 "If we can help even one couple learn from our past, it was worth everything we went through."



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