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Concept 9 - Are You There?

"Your Attitude and Actions Make Your Marriage Flourish" 


 May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.

- Romans 5:5-7(NIV)

Some days, getting on the tandem may not be our first choice. It may not even be in our top ten after the day we’ve had or how we feel at the time. Some days, we just don’t have the energy, the temperament, the strength or the interest. Fortunately, we have each other to help keep us moving to meet our riding goals for the year. It is seldom that both of us feel this way at the same time, so one of us is typically there to do the motivating.

​Day to day, this encouragement can succeed, but if the patterns of needing a gentle push goes on too long, something is up and it’s time to stop pushing and listen to our riding partner to find a clear path to riding well again.

​In our marriage relationship, it’s important at times like this when one or both are struggling, to be considerate of our spouses to allow the truth to come out. If performance and judgment is the message you are sending, you can end up pushing your spouse away completely and closing the door to healing.

​However, if we are truly committed to being one when we married, we understand both are responsible for the issues in our marriage and the success or failure of it. We must decide to treat the symptoms in our marriage when they appear with the right attitude.

​It starts by seeing each other through God’s eyes using a Biblical framework to put your marriage on a firm foundation. This is crucial for change to occur in marriages as the word of God is so relevant and sets an awareness of how weak our human nature is.

If you want to make changes in your home, you must be graceful and merciful with your spouse. It’s like choosing the best soil to plant seeds of forever in. With healthy soil like this, you will develop deep and strong roots. After that, your following actions are the fertilizer that will help this seed of forever grow and flourish.

​It’s one thing to say “I love you” in a caring way, but if your actions behind that statement are perceived as, “I desire, want, support, care for, hope for, and want to bless you all at the same time,” you are in a very good place.

​If we let God work in ourselves to treat our spose well, it will move them positively through life and we will have no choice but to succeed in marriage.


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