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Concept 7 - Stop Riding Alone

"Avoiding the Island Life"


Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:

If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.

But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up…

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

- Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

One of the best days of riding can be a day when you ride alone as a couple. When we ride alone, we can talk about our life together, our thoughts, ideas and all of the other things we are facing. It can be a very good productive time.

​On the opposite end of the spectrum, riding alone like this all the time can be one of the greatest enemies for a couple. You can hit a plateau and stay there too long. This plateau is where growth, fun and enthusiasm all seem to stop at the same time.

​There is an easy fix for this. Add friends!

​Friends add a lot of excitement, motivation, encouragement and help to offset the rut you can get in riding alone too long.

​Friends bring new life and energy to a ride. 60 miles can pass by and it feels like 30 in your mind. What took you 60 minutes before just took you 50. You can ride farther than you ever thought and have more fun in the process.

Our society seems to breed aloneness for our marriages, placing us on islands alone rather than engaged in the community. This island mentality is the result of too much responsibility, too many things to do and getting caught up in the rush of it all. You can sometimes feel like you have lost your boat back to the mainland.

​Once on an island our problems can seem so big and our marriage tends to have cycles of challenging seasons. Some are cold like winter, hot like summer, fun like spring and in a change like fall. We all go through them...ALL of them.

​By simply involving the right friends you will find encouragement in so many ways and this will help you stay engaged in your life rather than caught up in it.

​Go after this mentorship idea and put your marriage on a new path toward greatness!


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"Avoiding the Island Life"
Stop Riding Alone




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